Coucou mes petits macarons! How are you guys doing on this Sunday afternoon? Hope this new year is treating you well and that you took new resolutions. I got sick the day right after New years eve, not funny at all - I've been fighting the cold for the past three days and haven't been able to enjoy Paris as much as I would have wanted to...

I just came back from Paris and after being sick for the past few days it is time to go back to work! I did try to post this article earlier this weekend but being sick completely blocked me. I found myself in front of the keyboard not knowing what to write, does it ever happen to you? You're ready to work but you just can't, no inspiration, no creativity - nada! This is why I preferred to not post nothing and wait for the inspiration to come, because, more than pictures I want my articles to deliver a story, just that little something more. Cause, in the end wouldn't it be sad having 20 pictures and only a few lines of text? I prefer doing it this way, even though it means waiting to have something to write (which I usually always have).

We went to Paris to celebrate New Years and enjoy the french cuisine and people, we are french after all! But, which means New year means new resolutions, so let's talk about it. I made 5 resolutions for this new year that I will work on and try to stick to (or at least try to).

1. Go back to Paris. This weekend was way too short and I was way too sick to appreciate it, I had planned to visit, to shop (a little), and to discover new places I had never been before - Well, no need to say that it did absolutely not go as planned! I did do plenty of great things, but I feel the need to go back to do more over there. I was born in Paris but I never lived there and so don't know as much as people might think - Time to stop the madness and get some parisian culture on!

2. Work on the blog. For the past few months I've been wanting some change, something new and original for the blog. I've made it from scratch, 100% myself and I feel that it's time to go up a notch and start getting serious and professional. I have been looking for companies that would re design my blog completely and time feels just right. New year, new start, right?

3. Keep up a healthy lifestyle. Let me make this clear, I will and do eat some burgers and pizzas from time to time but fresh and organic ones, healthy doesn't mean eating only vegetables and raw fish - it means giving to your body only organic and sane food. I am not crazy, I will not stop indulging myself. Being healthy is balance, it's to know how to one day drink green smoothies, eat chicken and vegetables and the next day eat organic spelt pasta with some tomato sauce. The power is to know how to balance healthy and less healthy in order to stay alive! Because we all need a bit of pasta once in a while.

4. Go slow on shopping. This year has been a shopping craziness for me. First Buenos Aires, finding so many little accessories for cheap which might seem cheap but is not when you realise you bought a thousand stuff. Then, Miami - Oh dear Miami, you have ruined me. These two times I went to Miami literally killed my bank account, but, I mean does Miami really count? Because, can you actually keep yourself from shopping there? Hmmm, serious thoughts there! Finally, London. Or should I say London sales! The month of December might have been even worse than Miami, but sales justify the cost. You like it, you like the 50% off, you like it on you, you buy it. End of the questions.

5. ORGANISE YOURSELF! For god's sake, You're a mess. That's what I heard all my life. I did get better, much better but I do like to just throw my clothes on a chair from time to time. Who has time to organise their cloths all the time. I'm sure people do, good people, organised people, people I admire. One thing that is A-L-W-A-Y-S at it's place.. -  my shoes, you'll always find them on their shelf where they belong. For the rest I still have some work to do, but only god knows how lazy I am to do it.

What are some of your New Year's Resolution?  XO.

Turtle neck, H&M

Skirt, Vintage

Clutch, Louis Vuitton

A big thank you to Isabelle Chalencon Rivet for letting us shoot at her place.

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